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Partner with us

From partnerships to one off donations and gifts in kind - there are many ways to help

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We will work with you to ensure the best possible partnership for you and Playskill and the children and families we support. Below are different ways we can work together.

Charity of the Year

Choosing Playskill as your chosen charity of they year allows your fundraising activities for the year to be focused on one charity. This could be from Dress Down Days to larger scale corporate events like a Golf Day, there are many ways you can get involved. Funds raised are totalled at the end of the year and presented to Playskill. 

Cause Related Marketing is where proceeds or a percentage or the proceeds of a product you sell is donated to Playskill. For example donating the cost of a Babycino or the sales of a certain cake to Playskill. It is a really great way to support Playskill and promote your business at the same time. Please let us know if you would like to support us in this way so we can provide you with any information you may need. 

Employee Fundraising

There are many ways your employees can raise vital funds for our work. From simple fundraising like holding a bake sale to something more challenging like an office games tournament or running a 10k. If you would like some ideas of how your employees can get involved don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team.

Employee Volunteering

There are a number of event based volunteering opportunities your employees may wish to get involved in. Typically these are bag packing at supermarkets or manning stalls at local fairs. On top of this we have more committed volunteering roles within our group sessions. 

To find out more about volunteering, please get in touch fundraiser@playskill.org

Gift in Kind

Donating goods or services is just as valuable as monetary donations. If you think you could help, please get in touch.

Corporate support

Many organisations include charitable giving as part of their business, either through monetary donations, charity of the year partnerships, staff time, or by donating goods & services. If you know of a company who could support help, please tell them about Playskill or get in touch.


Sponsorship allows you to promote your business at the same time as supporting Playskill. We have a number of opportunities including

  • Sponsorship of a child for a term
  • Sponsor a group for a term
  • Sponsor a respite event such as go-karting or a canal boat trip

Contact us today